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What Is The Beginning?

Writer's picture: Yuma Christian ChurchYuma Christian Church

Updated: Feb 8, 2024

By: Ross Bledsoe


Beginnings happen for everyone. Whether it be starting a new job, a new family, or starting over in a new city, the beginning signifies a start. They are the starting points for new chapters in this journey we call life. The beginning can be exciting or even scary, but it all holds meaning because regardless of what it is, life will never look the same once we start on a new path. But how often do we think about who is responsible for every beginning in our life?

It is important to note that because life is so full of beginnings, it is easy to miss the true significance of the word. We casually use the word “beginning” in everyday conversations, but as Christians, we should understand that there is far more power when this term is viewed in a Biblical context.

The Definition And History Of The Word Beginning

The English language is constantly changing. The older I get the more I recognize how much the meaning of a word can change. What starts as slang can quickly become an additional definition of a word. This means that to get the purest understanding of a word, we have to find its root meaning and origin. One definition of beginning is the “initial stage or first part” (Harper). This definition is exactly what you might expect. Digging a little deeper, the word beginning is a  “verbal noun from begin. The meaning "act of starting something" is from early 13c. The Old English word is fruma (see foremost)” (Harper). Even though the definition has remained the same for centuries, the fun happens when we figure out how it was used much further back in history.

Genesis: The Biblical Beginning

Lift the cover on your Bible and the first words in Genesis appear, “In the beginning, God created the heavens and the earth” (New International Version, (Gen. 1.1). The Hebrew word that was translated to beginning is “rê shîyth’” which means “the {first} in {place} {time} order or rank” (Strong). Notice how the Hebrew word emphasizes that God, the first in place, time, order, and rank, is the beginning. He spoke into existence everything. Everything we see, everything we know, and even every new beginning in our lives was orchestrated by the Beginning.

The Beginning According To An Apostle

The Apostle John expanded this idea that God, the Father, is the beginning by making us aware that, Jesus, His Son, is also a part of the Beginning. His Gospel account begins by saying, “In the beginning was the Word, and the Word was with God, and the Word was God” (John 1.1). John also ends his account in the book of Revelation with something Jesus revealed to him in his vision while stranded on the island of Patmos. Jesus tells him “I am the Alpha and the Omega, the First and the Last, the Beginning and the End” (Rev. 22.13).

The Greek word that John uses is arché, which means, “A commencement or chief (in various applications of order, time, place, or rank)” (Strong). Biblically speaking, there is enough evidence that the word beginning refers to our Lord and Savior, Jesus Christ. This information should force us as Christians to consider whether we are giving the word the respect it deserves. 

A New Perspective On New Beginnings

When we start to view the word beginning as having a divine origin, it should be life-altering. Every new beginning should have a new meaning. January is a month of new beginnings. This time of year so many of us are making an effort to stay true to the resolutions we made just a few short weeks ago, while others are reading this blog with a double bacon cheeseburger in their hand because they have already given up. One resolution we should all consider starting right now is to allow God’s truth to guide every new beginning life brings us this year.

In a daily devotion in Answers Magazine, the author encourages believers to search for Biblical examples of new beginnings. The Bible showcases the same kind of hope of creation and renewal in us (New). Keep in mind that new beginnings that are centered on Jesus change lives. We start by recognizing that, by nature, every new beginning in our lives should point back to the 'Beginning'. When we get this right, our new beginning will honor God the way it should.

An Ending Word About The Beginning

The power of words can often be taken for granted. Though a word common to everyday usage, beginning holds more significance and power when used in the Biblical context. Through looking at a few of the times this term is used in scripture, it becomes apparent that the Author of Life is the Beginning. Every new beginning stems from the very beginning; a term too powerful to fully comprehend.

About The Author:

Ross Bledsoe is a non-traditional student at Summit Christian College where he is studying for his bachelor's degree in Biblical Studies. Ross is the Preaching Minister at Yuma Christian Church in Yuma, Colorado. Ross has a wife, Heather, and a 15-year-old daughter, Ally. In his free time, Ross enjoys hunting, fishing, caring for his aquariums, and painting pictures.

Works Cited

Harper, Douglas. “Etymology of Beginning.” Online Etymology Dictionary, 2001-2024,

“New Beginnings.” Answers Magazine, Answers in Genesis, 1 January 2022,

Strong, James. Strong’s Exhaustive Concordance of the Bible, Preacher Boy Production, Vers. 68.0.5, 2023. Apple App Store.

The Holy Bible. New International Version, Zondervan, 1998.

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